Come learn how to make your Ashland home more eco friendly at Rogue Valley Earth Day. This event will be great fun for the whole family and include many useful ideas and tips for helping us all be a little better friends with the earth. Taking place on Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m., this event exists to raise awareness about green living and to serve as a venue to help support local merchants, restaurants, artists, and performers. All who call Ashland home will be invited to participate in Rising to the Challenge to reduce energy and finding cleaner energy solutions for home, work, and play.
Learn How to Go Green on Your Ashland Real Estate
Many exhibits will be available at this event with information about all sorts of topics such as energy conservation for your Ashland real estate, bees, food co-ops, animal shelters nature schools, electric bikes, and many more. In addition to the informational booths, there will be many hands on activities for the kids as well as live entertainment. Drumming, field games, hula hoops, an eco-quest, and a mobile science learning are just a few of the great activities for the kids to enjoy. All who call Ashland home are invited to visit Rogue Valley Earth Day to learn about this very fun and important day in the community.