Visit Hawaii on Ashland real estate.If summer plans include staying close to your Ashland real estate and not making it to an island this summer, come on out to “Island Night: An Aloha State of Mind” at the Daniel Meyer Pool. This event will take place on Saturday, July 23rd from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. All ages are invited to enjoy live Hawaiian music, watch a hula dancing performance, and partake of many other fun activities geared toward every age. A hula dance workshop will be available at the event for anyone wishing to learn more about this exquisite Hawaiian dance. The admission charge for this event is only $2. The event will be a great way to enjoy a little evening long vacation from your Ashland real estate.

Enjoy a Refreshing Swim Near Your Ashland Home

The Daniel Meyer Pool offers many great activities for all who call Ashland home. Come out for open swim, sign the kids up for swimming lessons, become a certified lifeguard, take aquatic fitness classes, and swim laps. This outdoor pool is located at 1705 Homes Avenue. It will be open through early September, 2016. Make summer memories with friends and family at the pool. Find more information about programs, pool rentals, and special events at the Daniel Meyer Pool.