Attract birds to your Ashland home.North Mountain Park is a great resource for learning about the birds who visit your Ashland home. Many activities are available throughout the year, and the park is a beautiful place to visit anytime. Guests can enjoy a wetland habitat, riparian woods, and a garden equipped with seasonal feeders. Learn more about local birds and their songs at the Solar Eco-Box.

Explore the Park and Discover the Birds that Live on Ashland Real Estate

Come on out on Saturday, November 3rd from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to learn how to attract and feed birds at your Ashland home. Learn more about the common birds found in this area, such as sparrows, finches, and woodpeckers. Also hear about how to help them out at various times throughout the year. Join instructor Vince Zauskey to learn to identify common feeder birds, discuss the best and most efficient bird feeders, and talk about how feeding the birds can be quite easy, fun, and educational. Vince has been volunteering at the park for many years and is a member of the Rogue Valley Audubon Society and Klamath Bird Observatory. All adults ages 18 and over are welcome. The cost for the class is $20. Register online at the city’s website to join this class and find out the best ways to enjoy the bird visitors to your Ashland real estate.