For as much as you are really excited about your home purchase, you still need to pause and know your rights as a mortgage borrower if you know that you won't be able to pay your home in cash. In fact, knowing your right is the key for your home purchase. When you do not know your right then there is no way you can protect it too.
It is also true as you sign any loan agreement. Do not just merely sign anything without reading it thoroughly. Make reading part of you habit so you can protect your right well enough. You need to bear in mind that buying a home is perhaps the largest and most important loan you will ever get so it simply deserves a good deal of consideration. No time is wasted by reading long pages of loan agreement when you know that it is the only way you can make yourself fully aware of your rights.
Among the many rights that you will have as you purchase a home, the first right that you need to exercise is the right to look for the best loan. No one can force you to choose any loan when you know that there is something better than it. Another right that you need to embrace is the right to be informed regardless if it is the cost, term or anything about your loan. Be aware of any additional cost that comes from your loan as well. Ask as many questions as you can in order to be sure that you get all information that you need. Do not let any additional charges add to your loan without your knowledge.