Meet the public Ashland real estate artist.One of the things about public Ashland real estate that strikes visitors is the commitment to showcasing public art. The city already has a number of beautiful murals and sculptures around the downtown area. The newest place to undergo beautification is the Theatre Corridor. This walkway goes from East Main Street and the city parking garage to the theatres for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Gordon Huether was chosen to do the murals in the corridor, after a lengthy search.

Ashland Home Owners Can Share Input on the Murals

All Ashland home owners are invited to meet Mr. Huether at a special event held Friday, February 24th at 7 p.m. Head to the Gresham Room at the library for a talk by the artist. where he will discuss his approach to public art as well as his work in general. He will also take questions and comments from the audience about how the Theatre Corridor should look and feel.

In September, Mr. Huether will present the concept for two pieces of public art. The Select Council, Public Art Commission, and the City Council will work together to choose between the concepts. The final product will be installed in 2018.

Visit the Meet the Public Artist page at the city website to learn more about Mr. Huether, his work, and the process of selecting public artists for Ashland real estate projects.