As you purchase a home make sure that you always get things in writing. This simply means that you do not just assume like for instance the payment for the installation of water and light. Make sure that you have a paper that states everything that has been verbally discussed. In this way, you can have something to show in case things do no go the way it was discussed. If it is possible, ask for some pictures so you can at least have a grip of what to expect from the property that you have purchased. Nonetheless, always ask for the latest picture. The picture must be as real as possible as well, often pictures can be deceiving so be clever enough to ask for a photo that is not edited.
Another good idea is to always ask for more during the negotiation process. Yet, ask for something that is possible do not ask for something that seems to be impossible because you might only end up being disappointed. Always make it a point to ask for things that really within the range of your purchased property.
Now, during the negotiations process always keep your cool. It is when you are calm that you can discuss everything that you want clearly. When your emotions are high you always end up not discussing the things that you really wanted. So, it is always best that you make a list of things to negotiate and keep your cool when discussing it one by one. As you discuss it always give enough space for changes so can agree on something.